The two invented locations in Spider that are supposed to be in the E.1 postal district, just east of the City, are represented by other parts of London.
'71 Pegge Street' is in fact 212-226 Amelia Street, S.E.17, a part of the Pullens Estate, late Victorian tenement buildings near Kennington:
'71 Pegge Street' is in fact 212-226 Amelia Street, S.E.17, a part of the Pullens Estate, late Victorian tenement buildings near Kennington:
'29 Kitchener Street' is 29 Goodhall Street, N.W.10, a terrace of railway cottages near Willesden Junction:
This second location is a complicated construction. Park Street, S.E.1, near Borough, is re-labelled to represent one end of Kitchener Street:
The other end of Kitchener Street is supposed to have a pub on the corner. The building we see is at 92 Friendly Street, S.E.8, between New Cross and Lewisham:
Other London locations in the film include 1940s council housing in Hoxton, on Fanshaw Street and Aske Street, N1:
The former squat at Oval Mansions, S.E.11, next to the cricket ground:
Various views of the Regent's Canal near Mare Street, E.8:
And the inside of the Salisbury pub on Green Lanes, N.4: